Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
University of Wyoming
Select Publications
Art and mindfulness behind bars: Examples from Wyoming prison-based courses on memoir and stoic philosophy." The Prison Journal 99(4S): 61S-83S. (2019) (With K. Brock, S. Dewey, and A. Muthig)
“Social dexterity in inquiry and argumentation: An Apologia of Socrates.” AAPT Studies in Pedagogy, v. 2, 6-27. (2017) (With Joe Ulatowski)
“The Unexamined Student Is Not Worth Teaching: Preparation, the Zone of Proximal Development, and the Socratic Model of Scaffolded Learning.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 49.14 (2017): 1367-1380. (With Joe Ulatowski)
"Freeing Meno’s Slave Boy: Scaffolded Learning in the Philosophy Classroom." Teaching Philosophy 8.1: 25-49. (With Joe Ulatowski)
“What’s Wrong with This Picture? Teaching Ethics Through Film to Wyoming High School Students” Teaching Philosophy (2013), 36.3: 253-270. (With Joe Ulatowski)
“Thought, Perception, and Isomorphism in Aristotle’s De Anima,” Polish Journal of Philosophy, col 6 no.1 (Spring 2012), pp. 27-39.
“Unifying the Soul: Comment’s on Sim’s ‘The Divided Line and United Psyche in Plato’s Republic,’” Southwest Philosophy Review, vol. 20 no.2, pp.179-81.
“Logos and Justification in Plato’s Theaetetus,” Southwest Philosophy Review, vol. 19 no. 1, pp.169-78.